I decided to create this site using a new framework called Astro. I chose it because it achieved the things that I wanted:
- Easy addition of new posts (ideally markdown)
- Static site generation
- A nice to have, but the ability to develop it in React
I’m using a cut-down version of the Ink template, but with the svelte parts swapped for React and a lot of extras ripped out.
My initial impressions of Astro are quite good: it seems to have good documentation, it’s easy to use, uses modern tools, and it seems to have a clear objective of being as static as possible - without sacrificing functionality.
I don’t have any complaints yet, but I’ve hardly used it. I noticed from their own integrations page that community support is a bit lacking (which is to be expected) - I hope to see it grow.
Hopefully I’ll get around to writing my actual first post soon, but for now I’ve done this 🙂.